Choongyu Hwang

Director of the Research Center for Dielectric and Advanced Matter Physics (2020-current)
Associate Professor, Pusan Natl. Univ. (2017-current)
Assistant Professor, Pusan Natl. Univ. (2013-2017)
Physicist Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab. (2007-2013)
Ph.D. in Physics, POSTECH 2008
B.S. in Physics, POSTECH 1999

Office: 311-615, [Email]

Ji-Eun Lee

Ph.D. candidate jointly appointed by Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

Co-supervisor: Prof. Ho-Soon Yang of Physics department and Dr. Hyejin Ryu of KIST
B.S. in Physics, Pusan National University, 2017


Minhee Kang

Research associate of the Research Center for Extreme Physics

M.S. in Physics, Pusasn National University, 2020
B.S. in Physics, Pusan National University, 2018

Office: 311-601

Hyun-Jeong Joo

Graduate student of Physics department

B.S. in Physics, Pusan National University, 2019

Office: 311-601

Jiyoon Kang

Undergraduate student of Physics department

Office: 311-601